Monday, April 21, 2008

I have just added a list of recipes on the side bar of the blog. I only have one recipe so far, but hopefully soon will have more!
In other news: We have four more poddy calves. They are all so gorgeous! Unfortunately, one of the calves, Chille, has blood scours and is really sick. We are giving him antibiotics, which means injecting her, which is my job, which I hate! Poor Chille, it really hurts to have a needle jabbed into your neck! Hopefully it makes her better, though.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today one of our calves died. We had been nursing it carefully, feeding it ResQ, an electrolyte drink, to rehydrate it, but unfortuately we were not able to save him.
We are now watching the other calves carefully to ensure they don't come down with whatever was wrong with the dead calf.

Monday, April 14, 2008


We are currently raising poddy calves. There are currently 24 of them, but there are about another 30 to come in. They are so cute!!! There are three that are sick, and two of those we are worried about. One of them is so sick it can't even sit up! We have been feeding it through a tube down into it's stomach. It is horrible to do, but hopefully it will work.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I live in one of the most beautiful spots in the world, Cudgewa. Our Farm borders the Burrowe Pine Mountain National Park, which makes for beautiful walks and rides. We run beef cattle and own three horses, as well as four cats, a dog, and several chooks.

A view of the National Park from our farm.

Playing in the Snow

Not the most flattering photo of me! Misty looks better.

My beautiful Arabian mare, Rahan Meluka