Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I was tutoring and volunteering at the school today, and both my pupils were really good today. I was so pleased. Lachie did excellently and Josh made an effort. He really needs to stop his "I can't get it, I give up," frustrated attitude. He also needs to try. He is such a boy when it comes to that. I am going to concentrate now on putting all he has learned into practice now. We both need to see some results. I know he has come a long way, but I want to be able to see it with his reading. Anyway, we'll get there.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Farm Day

On the weekend we had some city people come out to our farm for Farm Day. Farm Day was invented so people from the city could come and spend a day on a farm and see what country life is really like. We had a mother and daughter, Mariese and Mikaela, come and spend the weekend. They were really lovely people, and I enjoyed their company. Mikaela loves the animals, and I am convinced she would make a good vet. She knows how to handle an animal well and they seem to respond well too her. She is not afraid of them either.
Mikaela with Sheildy and Sylvester. I loved how she was not squeamish about putting her fingers in calves mouthes. She didn't mind them sucking on her at all.
The fog lifting over the hill
Mikaela was sitting outside a wombat burrow, and Blackie got his head in the way of the photo. We entitled this one "Needs Salt."
The calves feeding off the calfeteria.

I know this photo is blurry, but it is one of my favourites. I reckon it looks really good.

Mikaela helping feed the calves.

Mariese patting Patch

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We have had more calves sick, and two more have died. It is hard to see them sick and dying, but sometimes it seems there is nothing you can do. And on the other hand there are the success stories of sick calves that have got better and live long, happy, healthy lives. Chille, one of the calves I was worried about, is one of those success stories. She is still a bit wonky on her feet, but she is gaining weight and strength, and it won't be too long before she is weaned.

I have recently begun voluneering in a Prep/Grade 1 classroom, so with that, and the little bit of tutoring I do, I have been looking on the internet for good worksheets. They can be hard to find, so I want to create another blog for listing the websites that I find. I will link them to this one, so anyone who wants to use these worksheets can follow the link. All the worksheets will be free to print off, and, hopefully, usefull for teachers, aides, homeschoolers, and anyone else who wants to use them.
If anyone has sugestions, or good sites they know of, please place a comment on this post with it. Thanks!