Wednesday, June 11, 2008


It is finally happening! We are moving! Into caravans. I realised this morning that I am going to sleep in my bed for the last time tonight. After that we will be sleeping in caravans. We already have one of them here. We went and picked it up yesterday. It is a nice enough caravan, but small and rundown. I realized just how small when we started to clean it. It is difficult to believe that such a small space is going to house four people. There are two single beds in it, and the table converts into a double bed. We still need to bring the other two caravans here. All three belong to different friends, all of whom are being very genorous.

I am going to update the Our Farm blog and add a new post called Our New Farm.

I had been excited about the move, but now that it is actually happening, the enthusiasm is wearing off. I am still looking forward to it, but yesterday I looked at the size of the beds we will be sleeping in, and then last night I slept in my bed, and believe me, there is a profound quality difference.

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